The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Soqotra (FoS) is a great opportunity to meet other FoS members and fellow-travellers, to discuss the latest results of scientific research on the Soqotra Archipelago, to learn about ongoing projects, and to share information about FoS activities over the last year. Both members and non-members are very welcome to participate in the meetings.
Between 2001 and 2014 the AGM has been held in different European countries. The 13th Annual General Meeting of FoS and Symposium entitled "Biodiversity and Culture of Socotra" was held on 19 - 21 September 2014 in Rome, Italy.
In 2015 the 14th Annual General Meeting of the FoS and Symposium entitled "Conservation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of Socotra” will take place on September 11-13 in Portugal hosted by CIBIO-InBIO's CONGEN group. A discussion workshop relating current pressures to the heritage of Socotra and elaboration of a response plan will also take place during this meeting.
Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2015
Abstract acceptance / Early registration deadline: July 30, 2015
The abstract submission shall include:
• TITLE (in capital letters);
• Authors and affiliation [main institution (e.g., University), and email]
• Abstract (200 words);
• Type of communication (oral/ poster);
• Theme (Natural Heritage/ Cultural Heritage)
Please send the abstracts to: 2015FoS@gmail.com.
Please see more information here.
REGISTRATION FEES (lunches included)
• Early registration (before July 30, 2015): 35 €
• Early registration with accepted abstract: 30 €
• Late registration (until August 30, 2015): 50€
Click here to access the REGISTRATION FORM.
WHERE TO STAY A limited number of rooms (8 room with 2 beds each) is available at the Campus (priority for students and low-income participants). For details and reservations please contact Márcia Magalhães:
- Tel: (00351) 252 660 400; e-mail: marcia@cibio.up.pt
- Prices: 20€ if occupied by a single person; 35 € if shared by two persons.
Some hotels, hostels and pensions have discount agreements with CIBIO-InBIO (refer to CIBIO at reservation).
- Vila do conde: Hotel Brasão;
- Porto: Pensão Favorita;
- Check other hotels near the venue or in Porto here.
Information on the venue can be found here and on how to get to the venue here (coordinates: 41.328940, -8.672635) .
Information on FoS can be found here.
Oral presentations of the symposium will be open to all CIBIO-InBIO researchers and post-graduation students.
Raquel Vasconcelos
Xavier Santos
Paulo Célio Alves
Raquel Vasconcelos
Xavier Santos
Carolina Pacheco
Joana Beschorner
Alexander Gomez
Further information will be available soon.
FoS Group Photo 2014