Gene prediction and annotation of whole genoms
With the rise of the NGS technologies it is easier everyday to sequence whole genomes at an affordable price since the costs have been reduced dramatically. Any research group has the possibility of getting the sequence of its interest species without being necessary the collaboration of big consortium and external sponsors.
This fact makes essential a proper identification and annotation of the gene structures for further analysis. Both eukaryotes and prokaryotes have genes hidden across their genomes in a different way but the procedure to identify them is quite similar although the effectiveness differs quite a lot.
In this practical course the students will learn the particularities of the gene identification in bacteria as well as in higher organisms. For a better understanding on the gene function the course will include methodologies for a good annotation on the identified genes, description of the annotation terms and databases for retrieving high quality annotations about functions, metabolic pathways and protein domains.
Monday, January 18 (10:00-13:00 | 14:00-17:00)
0.Basis on the gene identification in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
1.Methods to predict gene structures in genomes. Exercises.
Tuesday, January 19 (10:00-13:00 | 14:00-17:00)
2.Available software for gene prediction.
3.Exercises for gene identification.
Wednesday, January 20 (10:00-13:00 | 14:00-17:00)
4.Comparison software results and strategies.
Thursday, January 21 (10:00-13:00 | 14:00-17:00)
5.Basis on the gene annotation, functional terms and databases.
6.Exercises for gene annotation.
Friday, January 22 (10:00-13:00 | 14:00-17:00)
7.Comparison softwares and results.
8.Introduction to biological enrichment.
Antonio Muñoz - CIBIO-InBIO | Bioinformatics
The course will be open to a maximum number of 20 participants.
All the participants will be required to have previously set a Unix system in their laptops (OSX or Linux).
75% of available student slots are reserved for BIODIV students.
Priority will be given to:
• 1st year and other PhD students attending the BIODIV Doctoral Program;
• PhD students attending other courses;
• Other post-graduate students and researchers.
Registration deadline: December 04, 2020
Participation is free of charge for BIODIV students | 95 € (students) | 200 € (other participants). CIBIO-InBIO members will have an additional discount of 20%.