More than just words | A celebration of African languages on the occasion of the UNESCO year of the indigenous languages

The UNESCO has declared 2019 the "Year of the Indigenous Language”. On this occasion, CIBIO-InBIO is hosting a special celebration for the vast knowledge conveyed through the indigenous languages of Africa.
The event will combine presentations with panel discussions and intends to bring together scholars from science and the humanities in order to highlight the importance of indigenous languages and indigenous knowledge in research and conservation. The conference is organized in close collaboration with our African partners, most notably the Okavango Research Institute and the San Research Center from the University of Botswana. We further build on the multilateral infrastructure created by CIBIO-InBIO's TwinLab initiative, which links southern African research institutions to Portugal on many levels, including exchange of students and researchers.
Together, we will highlight the importance of indigenous languages and knowledge, give a voice to members of indigenous communities and strengthen ties with African partner organizations in order to develop joint research and create opportunities for exchange of knowledge and resources.
You are cordially invited to attend the presentations and panel discussions.
Conference date: November 12-13, 2019
Registration deadline: November 10, 2019
To register, please send an e-mail to Bérénice Alard (
Registration is free; the deadline is November 10, 2019.
November 12
10h00 | Welcome address
Nuno Ferrand de Almeida (CIBIO-InBIO, UNESCO Chair Life on Land - University of Porto)
10h15 | Introductory Note on the UNESCO Year of Indigenous Languages
Graça Capinha (CES - University of Coimbra)
10h45 | Institutional framework
CIBIO-InBIO’s Network of TwinLabs in Africa and UNESCO Chair Life on Land
Carlos Almeida Pereira (CIBIO-InBIO – University of Porto)
11h00 | Coffee break
11h30 | More than just words: topics of the conference
Maitseo Bolaane (San Research Institute - University of Botswana)
Anne-Maria Fehn (CIBIO-InBIO - University of Porto)
12h30 Lunch
13h30 | More than just stories: population history and oral history
Bérénice Alard (CIBIO-InBIO - University of Porto)
Jorge Rocha (CIBIO-InBIO - University of Porto)
João Almeida & Magda Gayà-Vidal (CIBIO-InBIO - University of Porto)
15h00 | More than just a conference: SOCIAL PROGRAMME
November 13
09h45 | More than just clicks: Ongoing research in southern African San communities
Dineo Peke (San Research Institute - University of Botswana)
Admire Phiri (Department of General Linguistics - University of Stellenbosch)
Beatriz Silva Amorim (CIBIO-InBIO - University of Porto)
10h30 | Panel discussion: Questions, problems, issues - the students’ perspective
11h00 | Coffee break
11h30 | More than just language: Ongoing research in African languages and literatures
Sara Pacchiarotti (Department of Languages and Cultures - Ghent University)
Ana Maria Martinho (CHAM - Nova University of Lisbon)
Augusto Tchimbali (CHAM - Nova University of Lisbon)
13h00 | Lunch
14h00 | More than just ecosystems: perspectives on land, wildlife and people
Gaseitsiwe Masunga (Okavango Research Institute - University of Botswana)
Francisco Álvares (CIBIO-InBIO - University of Porto)
Vladimir Russo (Kissama Foundation, Angola)
Frederico Santarém (CIBIO-InBIO - University of Porto)
16h00 | Coffee break
16h30 | Round Table: The future of indigenous perspectives in scientific research
17h00 | Wrap up and farewell
Maitseo Bolaane (San Research Institute - University of Botswana)
Anne-Maria Fehn (CIBIO-InBIO - University of Porto)
Carlos Almeida Pereira (CIBIO-InBIO, UNESCO Chair Life on Land - University of Porto)
Maitseo Bolaane (San Research Center at the University of Botswana)
Anne-Maria Fehn (CIBIO-InBIO)
Magdalena Vidal (CIBIO-InBIO)
Bérénice Alard (CIBIO-InBIO)