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Livestock Genomics and Conservation - AGRIGENOMICS

Livestock Genomics and Conservation - AGRIGENOMICS

17 Projects
Genetic Diversity, Conservation and Phylogenetic History of the African Wild Ass <em>(Equus africanus</em>): A Non-invasive molecular Approach
Genetic Diversity, Conservation and Phylogenetic History of the African Wild Ass (Equus africanus): A Non-invasive molecular Approach
PI: Albano Gonçalo Beja Pereira
Genome-wide approach to Detect Adaptative Molecular Variation in Domestic Ungulates
Genome-wide approach to Detect Adaptative Molecular Variation in Domestic Ungulates
PI: Shanyuan Chen
Genome-wide diversity and origins of the domestic cattle: Identifying adaptive alleles introgressed into domestic cattle from other wild bovine species (<em>Bos</em> spp.)
Genome-wide diversity and origins of the domestic cattle: Identifying adaptive alleles introgressed into domestic cattle from other wild bovine species (Bos spp.)
PI: Shanyuan Chen
How genetically different is a domestic pig from a wild boar? Detecting molecular signatures of differential selection in candidate genes involved in domestication process and molecular adaptation in domestic and wild pig
How genetically different is a domestic pig from a wild boar? Detecting molecular signatures of differential selection in candidate genes involved in domestication process and molecular adaptation in domestic and wild pig
PI: Albano Gonçalo Beja Pereira
Molecular detection and impact of multiple-sired litters in the wild and domestic pig
Molecular detection and impact of multiple-sired litters in the wild and domestic pig
PI: Albano Gonçalo Beja Pereira
Phylogeography and Conservation of the Threatened Asiatic Wild Ass Species
Phylogeography and Conservation of the Threatened Asiatic Wild Ass Species
PI: Albano Gonçalo Beja Pereira
Selec&ccedil;&atilde;o Gen&oacute;mica em Popula&ccedil;&otilde;es de Bovinos Leiteiros
Selecção Genómica em Populações de Bovinos Leiteiros
PI: Júlio Carvalheira
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