Hosted by CIBIO-InBIO’s Conservation genetics and Wildlife Management - CONGEN Group, the CONGENOMICS 2016 Conference will take place at CIBIO-InBIO Associate Laboratory and the University of Porto facilities in Vairão, Portugal, from May 3-6, 2016.
CONGENOMICS 2016, the final meeting of the ConGenOmics ESF Research Networking Programme (*), aims to gather the best research currently being performed on Genomics and its applications to Conservation.
Throughout the event, it is intended to provide an inspiring atmosphere for discussing the application of genomics to conservation, namely for inferring demography, population history, population viability, adaptative viability, taxonomy, as well as the use of metagenomics and environmental DNA.
The program includes six invited plenary lectures, submitted oral communications (regular and flash) and poster sessions, covering the state of art on conservation genomics. Travel grants are available for students and early career researchers (please see conference website for details).
Early registration fees (deadline: March 31): 250 EUR (standard), 100 EUR (students)
Submit your abstract online (deadline: February 21)
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
- Fred Allendorf (University of Montana)
- Mike Bruford (Cardiff University)
- Lisette Waits (University of Idaho)
- Natasha de Vere (National Botanic Garden of Wales)
- Emma Teeling (University College Dublin)
- Kerry Naish (University of Washington)
Organizing & Scientific Committee:
- Paulo Célio Alves (University of Porto)
- Ricardo Jorge Lopes (University of Porto)
- José Melo-Ferreira (University of Porto)
- Raquel Godinho (University of Porto)
- Joop Ouborg (Radboud University)
- Philippine Vergeer (Wageningen University)
- Jacob Hoglund (Uppsala University)
- Gernot Segelbacher (University of Freiburg)
- Craig Primmer (University of Turku)
Questions? Contact us by email
To know more about this event, please visit our:
(*) ConGenOmics is a ESF Research Networking Programme that aims to bring together European and panEuropean specialists on conservation genomics, to develop and improve the knowledge transfer of the technical advances and challenges in conservation genomics, focusing specifically on the application of genomic techniques. ConGenOmics programme organizes workshops, summer schools, collaborative expert meetings and an exchange program at panEuropean level, to further develop the field of conservation genomics and to aid in the knowledge transfer of the technological advances and challenges among European research groups focusing specifically on applications of genomic technologies in conservation biology. More details in