DON'T BE INTIMIDATED BY SEM: Demystifying structural equation modeling and its practical applications to the Natural Sciences
From 03 Jun 2024 until 06 Jun 2024 - BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, Vairão, Portugal (Face-to-face)

Embark on this journey into the world of Structural Equation Models (SEM) – a cutting-edge statistical technique widely used by ecologists. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to SEM within the context of biodiversity-related sciences. Explore the complex relationships between variables and uncover how they interact and influence one another. No need to worry about algebraic complexities; we focus on real-life ecological applications that will enhance your understanding of natural systems. By the end of the course, you'll be equipped to (i) formulate hypotheses and conceptual models that unravel intricate ecological relationships, (ii) apply statistical techniques covered throughout the course, and (iii) confidently interpret and engage in insightful discussions regarding your results. Prior familiarity with R (R program: is highly recommended.
PROGRAM (24 hours)
10:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00
PROGRAM (24 hours)
• A brief overview of Structural Equation Models (SEM)
• Correlation and regression
• Acyclic graphs, conceptual models and graphical representation
• SEM fit with d-separation in piecewise SEM and model’s coefficient estimation
• An introduction to programming using R
• SEM practical exercises using R
10:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00
Javier Martinez Arribas | BIOPOLIS-CIBIO
The course will be open to a maximum number of 25 participants.
75% of available student slots are reserved for BIODIV students.
Priority will be given to:
• 1st year and other PhD students attending the BIODIV Doctoral Program;
• PhD students attending other courses;
• Other post-graduate students and researchers.
80€ (students) | 120€ (other participants). CIBIO-InBIO members will have an additional discount of 20%
Participation is free of charge for MBGE, BIODIV Students & CIBIO's TwinLabs
Participation is free of charge for MBGE, BIODIV Students & CIBIO's TwinLabs
Registration fees do not include accommodation or meals
Registration deadline: April 19, 2024
To apply, please fill the form available HERE