SEMINAR BIRDTRADE - All heaven in a rage: international bird trade as a driver of biological invasions in Europe

Physiological niche modelling by Dr. Diederik Strubbe
Diederik Strubbe is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen.
Diederik is a biogeographer researching processes affecting the invasion success of non-native species. He combines observational, experimental and niche modelling techniques to unravel how species introduced to areas beyond their native distribution ranges cope with new environments, and how such ‘invasive species’ can impact native communities and alter ecosystem functioning. Diederik’s research aims at a better understanding of the factors affecting the reliability of forecasts of invasion risk.
Life history, behaviour and invasion success by Prof. Daniel Sol
Daniel Sol is a Senior Research Scientist of CSIC (National Spanish Research Council).
The main objective of Daniel’s research is to understand how animals respond to environmental changes. The main lines of research are twofold. The first attempts to understand the role of behavior in the response of animals to environmental changes and the implications that this response can have for their ecology and evolution. The second line of research seeks to resolve the 'paradox of invasions': how is it possible that invasive species are able to invade environments to which they have not had time to adapt and even become more abundant than native species? To address these issues, integral studies of behavior, morphology, ecology and phylogeny are required.
Alien plant invasions and native plant extinctions: A six-threshold framework by Prof. David Richardson
Professor David Richardson is the Director at the Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology (C·I·B),and a Professor in the Department of Botany and Zoology at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Dave stepped down as Editor-in- Chief of the journal Diversity and Distributions in 2015 after 19 years in the editorial seat, and is a member of the IUCN Species Survival Specialist Group on Invasive Organisms.
His research focuses in the biogeography, ecology and management of invasions, particularly: the history and theoretical framework of invasion ecology; introduced trees as invaders; spatial modelling of plant invasions; and mutualisms.