The Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program: Unique opportunities for biodiversity research and conservation in Equatorial Guinea
01 Jun 2023 - David Montgomery, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University | 15h30 | Hybrid Seminar
The Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program (or BBPP) is the preeminent program for conservation biology and environmental sciences in one of the world’s least understood but most important biodiversity hotspots – Equatorial Guinea (EG). Over 25 years of collaboration with the National University of Equatorial Guinea (or UNGE), BBPP has aimed to improve understanding, management and protection of EG’s natural environment - particularly the Gran Caldera Scientific Reserve. BBPP's collaborative activities focus on three main areas 1) research programs to generate knowledge about EG’s environment while also ensuring capacity building of Equatoguineans, 2) education programs that emphasize peer-to-peer capacity building, and 3) conservation actions that enhance the effectiveness of EG’s protected areas network and promote practical solutions to reducing wildmeat supply and demand. After many years of successful leadership by Drexel University, BBPP urgently needs a new international partner for UNGE so that EG will not lose a hard-earned platform of relationships, infrastructure and well-trained staff. With a renewed focus as part of Biopolis’ Gulf of Guinea Research Program, BBPP can continue vital wildlife protection efforts while driving even more effective, sustainable and equitable research and conservation actions in EG moving forward.
David Montgomery is the Director of the Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program (BBPP), a collaboration between the National University of Equatorial Guinea and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, since 2021. A passionate wildlife conservation practitioner, he has 11 years of experience managing projects in Equatorial Guinea, including overseeing BBPP’s portfolio of education research, and conservation initiatives. Throughout 2020 and 2021 David led the BBPP effort to finalize the first management plan for the Gran Caldera Scientific Reserve in collaboration with Re:wild and INDEFOR-AP, and funded by a regional GEF grant. David earned a B.A. in Biology from Grinnell College in 2010 and a Master’s in Business Administration from Drexel University in 2021. David enjoys running, bicycling, backpacking and traveling.
[Host: Luke L. Powell, Applied Ecology - APPLECOL, 21st Century Conservation Lab - LACOS21]
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