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Visualizing Science

20 Sep 2024 - Marta Fernandes, ID+, ESMAD, P. Porto | 15.30 | Hybrid Seminar
Visualizing Science

Information design explores the complexities and practice of transforming data and storytelling into clear, accurate and engaging visual representations. It is the practice of transforming data into information and presenting it in a way that is accurate, clear, meaningful, engaging and easily absorbed. The ability to visualize and communicate information evolved alongside science itself. Nowadays, in an era of massive amounts of data and extremely complex processes, the application of information design in science is more urgent and challenging.  This talk delves into the art and science of information design, showing the underlying difficulties present when translating science into clear and understandable visual models and emphasising the importance of visual communication in the dissemination of scientific knowledge. 

Marta Fernandes is a Professor at ESMAD, P. Oporto, Design Department and Researcher at ID+ (Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture). She is particularly invested on the building of visual digital archives to address information and knowledge preservation. To this end she investigated Visual Archives and the development of Information Visualisation in online newspapers. Along with this research, she has led various workshops in the field of Information Design for Life Sciences.

[Host: Raquel Vasconcelos, Conservation Genetics and Wildlife Management - CONGEN]

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