Applied Ecology - APPLECOL
51 Theses
Ferreira ARAM
Selecção do habitat de nidificação da população arborícola de Águia de Bonelli (Hieraaetus fasciatus) no Sul de Portugal. University of Lisbon. Supervisors: Pedro Beja
Cláudia Marques
Depleção de presas pela lontra Euroasiática (Lutra lutra) numa ribeira mediterrânica durante a seca estival. University of Évora. Supervisors: Pedro Beja
Luís Miguel Reino
Farmland bird responses to land use changes: the role of habitat fragmentation. Technical Univeristy of Lisbon, Higher Institute of Agronomy. Supervisors: Pedro Beja, António Fabião (ISA – UTL) and José G. Borges (ISA – UTL).
Mirjam S. van de Vliet
Population genetics of amphibians inhabiting Mediterranean temporary ponds. University of Algarve. Supervisors: Pedro Beja, Ester Serrão, Nuno Ferrand, Trevor Beebee.
Santana J
Efeitos das limpezas do subcoberto nas comunidades de aves florestais mediterrânicas. Technical Univeristy of Lisbon, Higher Institute of Agrnomy. Supervisors: Pedro Beja
Denis Ricardo Isidro Medinas
BATCONNECT - An integrative approach combining molecular, behavioural and ecological data to assess the effects of roads on bats. BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto. Supervisors:António Paulo Pereira Mira ,Ana Márcia Enes Barbosa,Hugo Emanuel Vitorino Rebelo
Helena Marques
The influence of predation risk on pacth occupancy, space use and population dynamics of the Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae). University of Évora. Supervisors: Pedro Beja, António Mira
Lia Laporta
Making the case for integrating Ecosystems Services in project appraisal. Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior Técnico. Supervisors: Tiago Domingos, Cristina Marta-Pedroso, Pedro Beja
Alexandre Silva
How roads affect felids? a global analysis of the implications on their conservation. PhD thesis at University of Lisbon (FCUL). Supervisors: Clara Grilo & Eloy Revilla
Ana Teresa Pinto
Recovery of Mediterranean forests under farmland abandonment: regeneration processes, management strategies, and implications for the delivery of ecosystem services. Supervisors: Pedro Beja, João Honrado.
BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto