Assistant Researcher | Biological Sciences
Reference: BIOPOLIS 2024-02
Job description:
Assistant Researcher
Reference: BIOPOLIS 2024-02
Main research field: Biological Sciences
1. Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources - is seeking to recruit one assistant researcher for 13 months to contribute to the project "TROPIBIO – Expanding potential in Tropical Biodiversity and ecosystem research towards sustainable life on land” (Reference Nº 854248), funded by the European Commission under the call H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-04, and with an overall budget of 2.5M€ (Project duration: October 2019 – March 2025). This ground-breaking project offers unique opportunities to make a major contribution to tropical conservation research and practice, taking advantage of the strong historical and cultural links between Portugal and Africa and the world class research infrastructure of CIBIO. TROPIBIO is centrally placed in the new Gulf of Guinea Research Program (GGRP, more info here), which involves much research and conservation work in the region in the coming years. Successful candidates will work closely with the recently appointed ERA Chair in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems Research (Dr. Luke L. Powell). The research should involve fieldwork in Lusophone African countries or elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa (e.g., Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Gabon), depending on the experience and research interests of the candidate.
We are particularly interested in candidates with a track record in working in the tropics (especially Africa) that have strong analytical and writing skills and a passion for conservation research. Dr. Powell is the founding director of Biodiversity Initiative (BI), and has a background in tropical rainforest conservation ecology—particularly ornithology—as such, he ideally seeks recruit a postdoc to aligned with these interests. TROPIBIO has ongoing work in Lusophone Africa and Equatorial Guinea; that being said, we will ultimately select the applicant that is best qualified to produce high impact research and conservation work, regardless of the topic or study site of the research. Research may include (but is not limited to) ant-following birds and/or Dorylus driver ants, agent-based modelling of the Dorylus/bird system, human-wildlife interactions, community ecology across gradients, analysis of diet metabarcoding data across gradients, sustainable use of natural resources, or flagship/iconic species conservation or ecosystem services. Many more project ideas are included in the GGRP link shared above. Please note that in the GGRP link, those projects are mostly described as PhDs research projects; however, most, if tightened in scope, would make excellent as postdoc projects as well, so feel free to expand on those ideas in your letter. Also of note is that research fellowships are available through the Portuguese Government and the European Commission—Dr. Powell and CIBIO will support a successful candidates’ application to these opportunities as a mechanism to extend the candidate’s employment beyond March 2025.
When not in the field, the successful applicant will be based at the facilities of CIBIO, a dynamic research centre located near Porto, in Northern Portugal, which conducts world-class research in the fields of biodiversity and evolution. It is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer offering attractive conditions and benefits. The Centre offers great opportunities for multidisciplinary research and hosts more than 30 research groups, which include over 160 PhD level researchers, and over 100 MSc and PhD students, from across the world. The Centre has state of the art ecology and molecular laboratories and conducts research projects at a global scale. The working language of the institute is English, and it offers a vibrant, multicultural and enthusiastic working atmosphere. In addition, the Northern region of Portugal provides rich cultural and outdoor activities and Porto is a UNESCO world-heritage city and the capital of Port wine.
Benefits of the position include:
o Significant opportunities for travelling, training, conference attendance and networking;
o Competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience;
o High quality of life and low cost of living in Portugal.
o Potential for employment beyond March 2025, contingent on funding
2. Applicable Legislation
Decree-Law no. 57/2016 of August 29th, amended by Law 57/2017 and Regulatory Decree No. 11- A / 2017 which approved the doctorate hiring regime destined to stimulate scientific and technological employment for all knowledge areas (RJEC); Portuguese Labour Code, approved by Law 7/2009 of February 12, in its actual form.
3. Pursuant to article 13 of RJEC, the tender selection panel is formed by: Dr Luke L. Powell, Dr Filipa Palmeirim and Dr Martim Melo with alternate member: Dr. Pedro Beja.
4. The workplace shall be at Associação BIOPOLIS/CIBIO – Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, in Campus de Vairão, Rua Padre Armando Quintas nº7, Vairão, Portugal and may involve travel in Portugal and abroad in service or representation of contract entity.
5. The gross monthly salary entitle is € 3294,81, corresponding to index 195 of the Scientific Research Career (Anexo I do Decreto-Lei nº 124/99, de 20 de Abril).
6. Applications can be submitted by any national, foreign, and stateless candidate(s) holding a doctorate degree in biology or a related field and a scientific and professional curriculum whose profile is suited for the research. In case the doctorate degree was awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it must comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 341/2007 of October 12th, and all formalities established therein must be complied with at the signature of work contract.
7.The tender admission general requirements are those defined in the previous point 6, plus additional specific requirements.
Required experience, skills and characteristics:
• PhD in a biology or a related area
• Strong teamwork and communication skills
• Flexible, independent and pragmatic nature
• Strong analytical skills
• Strong track record of publication in international journals, as first author
• Strong fieldwork skills and experience (if applicable to project)
• A great idea for a research project that be undertaken successfully by March 2025.
• Ability to begin ASAP
Desirable experience, skills and characteristics (i.e., preferred but not required)
• Proficiency in Portuguese may be advantageous but not required (depends on project)
• Experience of field work in tropical environments
• Experience of working in Lusophone Africa (depending on project)
8. Pursuant to article 5 of RJEC, the selection is to be made based on the evaluation of the scientific and curricular career of the candidate.
9. Scientific and curricular career evaluation focuses on relevance and quality:
a) of biological or conservation-based productivity in the last 5 years, considered most relevant by the candidate;
b) of research activities, fundamental or applied science, developed in the last 5 years, considered of higher impact by the candidate;
c) of knowledge extension and dissemination activities developed in the last 5 years, namely under the scope of the promotion of culture and scientific practices, deemed most relevant by the candidate.
d) of activities of science management, technology, and innovation programs, or of experience in observing and monitoring the scientific and technological system or higher education, in Portugal or abroad.
10. The 5-year period mentioned above can be extended by the panel, if requested by the candidate, whenever the suspension of scientific activities is reasoned by socially protected grounds like paternity leave, long-term serious illness, and other legal situations of unavailability to work.
11. Evaluation criteria are the following: The evaluation of the CV of the candidates, in particular the scientific merit and research experience will take into consideration the elements presented for the last 5 years of activity falling within the scope of the specific areas of the tender (see Point 1) and will be performed according to the following criteria:
11.1 Integrated assessment of the curriculum trajectory of the candidate, based on an overview of their scientific merits, namely:
I. overall scientific coherence of the CV – 15%
II. diversity and quality of scientific indicators, including relevant published peer-reviewed articles and abstracts in the specific areas of the announcement (see point 1) - 25%
III. participation in research projects and student supervision - 10%
11.2 Relevant experience, as provided in CV; specifically how the background of the candidate fit with the project that is proposed in the motivation letter – 20%
11.3 Motivation letter (800 words max) describing the proposed project and how it fits into the framework of TROPIBIO (20%)
12. In the case of admitted candidates whose evaluation does not differ more than 10% from that obtained by the best positioned candidate, the jury will interview these candidates. This will be aimed at obtaining clarifications and explanations about the curricular elements and additional information as well as to evaluate the attitude profile and motivation of the candidate.
12. In the case of admitted candidates whose evaluation does not differ more than 10% from that obtained by the best positioned candidate, the jury will interview these candidates. This will be aimed at obtaining clarifications and explanations about the curricular elements and additional information as well as to evaluate the attitude profile and motivation of the candidate.
The final score of each jury member is obtained by the following assessment: 90% scientific and curricular career evaluation and 10% interview.
13. Candidate final classification system shall be given based on a scale 0 to 100.
14. The panel shall deliberate by means of roll-call vote justified under adopted and disclosed selection criteria, with no abstentions allowed.
15. Minutes of panel meetings shall be executed and include a summary of all occurrences of said meeting, as well as of all votes casted by the members and respective reasoning and shall be provided to candidates whenever required.
16. After selection criteria application, the panel shall prepare a sorted list of approved candidates and respective classification.
17. The panel’s final decision shall be validated by the leader of the institution, who is also in charge of deciding about the hiring.
18. Application process:
18.1 Applicants should submit three documents as separate PDFs to this email address or website, each entitled e.g. LastnameFirstname_CV.pdf:
• Detailed Curriculum Vitae including a full list of publications;
• A brief (800 words max) motivation letter detailing the research you would like to undertake and how your experience integrates with that of TROPIBIO and/or Dr. Powell.
• A list of three references.
18.2. The application period is from 04/01/2024 to 29/01/2024.
Expect starting date: 1st March 2024.
19. All candidates who formalize their applications in an improper way or fail to prove the requirements imposed by this tender are excluded from admission. In case of doubt, the panel is entitled to request any candidate to present further documentation supporting their statements.
20. False statements provided by the candidates shall be punished by law.
21. Both admitted and excluded candidate list and final classification list shall be notified by email.
22. Preliminary Hearing and Final Decision Deadline: After notification, all candidates have 10 working days to respond. Panel’s final decisions are pronounced within a period of 90 working days, from response period deadline.
23. This tender is exclusively destined to fill this specify position and can be terminated at any time until approval of final candidate list, expiring with the respective occupation of said position.
24. Non-discrimination and equal access policy: Associação BIOPOLIS actively promotes a non-discrimination and equal access policy, wherefore no candidate can be privileged, benefited, impaired or deprived of any rights whatsoever, or be exempt of any duties based on their ancestry, age, sex, sexual preference, marital status, family and economic conditions, instruction, origin or social conditions, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, origin territory, language, religion, political or ideological convictions and union membership.
25. The panel has approved this announcement in meeting held on 29/12/2023.
26 In order to comply with Law no. 4/2019, of 10 January, candidates must declare on the application form, under a statement of honor, their degree of disability, the type of disability and the means of communication/expression to be used in the selection process.