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Lab Technician | Conservation biology and ecosystem services

Reference: BIOPOLIS 2023-64
Job description:
Lab Technician

Reference: BIOPOLIS 2023-64
Main research field: Conservation biology and ecosystem services 

1. We are seeking to recruit a lab technician (Reference BIOPOLIS 2023-64) to carry out genetic laboratory and data analyses within the project AGROLIZARDS+ (2022.03391.PTDC), financed by national funds through FCT/MCTES.

The candidate will be responsible for generating molecular data, and conducting all the necessary bioinformatics pipelines of metabarcoding analyses, for inference of prey consumption and selection by lacertid lizards in agricultural fields, identification of potential pest species in the diet and preparation of scientific manuscripts for publication.

2. Applicable Legislation: Portuguese Labour Code, approved by Law 7/2009 of February 12, in its actual form.

3. The selection panel will be formed by: Ricardo Jorge Lopes (Auxiliary Researcher), Catarina Rato (Auxiliary Researcher) and Giulia Simbula (Postdoc Researcher).

4. The work will be conducted at CIBIO-InBIO, UP – Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Universidade do Porto, located at Campus de Vairão, Vila do Conde.

5. The gross monthly salary corresponds to Level 16 of the Consolidated Table of Allowances (TRU) 1333,35€ before tax.

6. Applications can be submitted by candidates of any nationality holding a BSc in Biological Sciences or equivalent areas.

7. Skills and competencies:
i) Experience in reptiles/lizards and agricultural systems; 
ii) Experience working in a genetics laboratory;
iii) Experience in DNA metabarcoding; basic knowledge in bioinformatics.
The candidate should be able to work well within a team and have excellent English and communication skills. Furthermore, it is expected that the candidate possesses strong troubleshooting and problem-solving skills. 

8. Candidates will be ranked based on:
i) The relevance of work experience for the announced position (75%) 
ii) Motivation for applying to this position (25%) 

9. Candidate final classification shall be given based on a scale 0 to 100.

10. The jury may decide to select candidates to an interview (in person or by videoconference) to establish the final ranking if the difference between the classification of the top two candidates is less than 10 points (based on the criteria in 7). The jury may not award the position if the profile of the candidates does not meet the requirements of the project.

11. Application formalization:
11.1 The applications are formalized at the electronic address The following documents are required in a digital form (PDF format):
i) Curriculum vitae;
ii) Motivation Letter (including a brief description of research experience and why you are suitable for the announced position);
iii) Qualifications Certificates; 
iv) Other relevant documentation 
11.2. The application period is from 18th to 25th September 2023.

Expected starting date: 1st October 2023

12. Results announcement: The ranking of applications will be published at a visible and public area of CIBIO facilities, and all candidates will be informed by email about the result of their application. After notification, all candidates have 10 days to comment.

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