The weekly magazine devoted the entire episode, broadcasted last Saturday, June 10, to the annual event hosted once again by Serralves. The event organized in the scope of Serralves 360o, a science communication project which results from a collaboration between CIBIO-InBIO and Fundação de Serralves, invited the participants – common citizens, schools and families – to take part in a flash biological survey of the species encountered in Serralves Park.
During the week, schools had the chance to participate in the activities and on the weekend the event was open to the general public.
The episode of BIOSFERA covered several initiatives included in the Bioblitz programme, conducted by CIBIO-InBIO researchers. Namely, Joana Paupério was responsible for the survey on small mammals, Raquel Ribeiro invited the participants to know more about amphibians, José Manuel Grosso Silva searched for new species of insects, Teresa Matos Fernandes challenged the public to identify trees and bushes and Ricardo Jorge Lopes identified the bird species present in the park.
To know more about this topic, please follow the link below:
“Bioblitz 2017” | RTP 2 "BIOSFERA" | June 10, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)