EDP and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) will co-finance a set of scientific research dedicated to managing environmental impacts and conserving biodiversity. The Biodiversity Chair focuses on the application of new genomic tools and Environmental DNA - eDNA techniques.
The initiative had a first phase between 2012 and 2016 and has contributed to promote scientific innovation, technology and environmental management that can be shared with the entire scientific community, government agencies, the business world and the general public.
The renewal of the EDP Biodiversity Chair for the 2018/20 period is now formalized and will be conducted within the framework of the CIBIO-InBIO research group APPLECOL, led by Pedro Beja, who is also the chairholder.
To know more about this topic, please follow the links below:
“Cátedra para a biodiversidade promove uso de ADN do ambiente” | Público | December 17, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
“EDP co-financia cátedra em biodiversidade” | Jornal Económico | December 17, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Universidade do Porto promove inovação no uso do ADN ambiental” | Diário de Notícias | December 17, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
“EDP financia Cátedra em Biodiversidade da U.Porto” | Notícias U.Porto | December 17, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Cátedra EDP em Biodiversidade na U.Porto faz uso do ADN ambiental” | TV Europa | December 17, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Universidade do Porto promove inovação no uso do ADN ambiental” | Correio da Manhã | December 17, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)