A new and unprecedented study of rabbit DNA led by CIBIO-InBIO and the University of Cambridge has revealed the genetic basis for the animal's resistance to the deadly myxoma virus. The study establishes that modern rabbits in Australia, the UK and France have acquired resistance to myxomatosis through the same genetic changes. Using the latest technology the team, which includes CIBIO-InBIO researchers Joel Alves, Miguel Carneiro, Sandra Afonso, Pedro Esteves and Nuno Ferrand, analysed the genomes of nearly 200 rabbits dating from 1865-2013, including one owned by Charles Darwin. The scientists then sequenced nearly 20,000 genes to pinpoint mutations that have emerged since the myxomatosis pandemics of the 1950s.
The article, published in the journal Science in the same week of Darwin´s birthday celebration, reveals how the species has evolved genetic resistance to the disease through natural selection and has been highlighted by the media.
To know more about this topic, please follow the links below:
"Darwin's rabbit helps to explain the fightback against myxomatosis" | Phys | February 14, 2019 (Information available in Spanish)
"O coelho de Darwin ajudou a descobrir a resistência a um dos vírus que mais mata a espécie" | Público | February 15, 2019 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Los conejos resisten a la mixomatosis a través de selección natural" | Europapress | February 15, 2019 (Information available in Spanish)
"Los conejos resisten a la mixomatosis a través de selección natural" | La Hora | February 15, 2019 (Information available in Spanish)
"Descubren cómo los conejos se hicieron resistentes a la mixomatosis" | CazaWonke | February 15, 2019 (Information available in Spanish)
"Los conejos resisten a la mixomatosis a través de la selección natural" | El Día | February 15, 2019 (Information available in Spanish)
"Los conejos superan un virus letal que casi los mata hace 70 años" | ABC.es | February 15, 2019 (Information available in Spanish)
"CIBIO-InBIO desvenda descoberta sobre a seleção natural na Science" | Notícias U.Porto | February 16, 2019 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Un conejo de Darwin ayuda a explicar la resistencia a la mixomatosis" | Animal´s Health | February 19, 2019 (Information available in Spanish)
"Coelhos estão a tornar-se imunes a vírus criado pelo homem para controlar a espécie" | TVi24 | March 25, 2019 (Information available in Portuguese)
To read the national press release for this study, please click here.
To access the the original article, please click here.