The ICCB-ECCB Student Awards Competition took place on August 3, 2015. The twelve finalists presented their 15 min. talks in front of a panel of six judges. Each talk included a 3 min question and answer round with the judges. The talks covered a range of topics, including the role of genomics in informing conservation strategies, social values and biodiversity conservation, the mitigation of the impact of roads on wildlife, and the balancing of food production with biodiversity conservation in Europe.
With a presentation entitled "Derivation of a high resolution landcover map of the Western Sahara-Sahel transition zone for local biodiversity conservation", João Carlos Campos, from CIBIO-InBIO’s BIODESERTS group shared the first place with Paul Elsen (from the USA).
In addition, Soraia Barbosa, from CIBIO-InBIO’s CONGEN group, was awarded an honorable mention for her presentation, entitled “Genomics informing conservation strategies: which populations should be reconnected in an endangered rodent?”, along with Liam Bailey, Claire Feniuk and Josil Philomena Murray.
All twelve finalists were distinguished at the SCB Members Meeting, and each of them received a cash prize courtesy from Wiley, the publisher of SCB's journals Conservation Biology and Conservation Letters.
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