Adrián Regos Sanz
PhD in terrestrial ecology (Autonomous university of Barcelona/CREAF)
Master degree in Remote sensing and GIS (Autonomous university of Barcelona/CREAF)
Adrián Regos will be working as a Post-doc researcher funding by the Xunta de Galicia for the next three years at CIBIO/InBIO (Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources) under the supervision of João P. Honrado (Predictive Ecology- PRECOL lab) in Porto.
Research Lines:
1) Global Change Ecology
2) Macroecology and Biogeography
3) Remote Sensing and Conservation
In particular, his current research is aimed at: a) unravelling the interactive (antagonist, additive and synergistic) effects of multiple stressors on biodiversity (at both species and community level) and ecosystem functioning in fire-prone ecosystems using spatially-explicit process-based models, Earth observation data, species distribution models, ecological indicators and large datasets; b) assessing and forecasting the impacts of global change drivers (i.e. fire disturbance, land-use change and climate change) on biodiversity and ecosystem services under a wide range of management scenarios (e.g. ecological rewilding; ‘fire-smart’ management; etc.) using novel and integrative approaches; and, c) monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of protected area networks in conserving biodiversity and their habitats using remote sensing data and spatial conservation prioritization tools.
Currently, Adrián is collaborating in the H2020 Project ECOPOTENTIAL – improving future provision of ecosystem benefits through earth observations.
Research Interests: Landscape ecology, terrestrial animal ecology, fire ecology, biogeography, conservation biology, satellite remote sensing of terrestrial ecosystems, geographic information science.