Emílio Civantos Calzada
Post-Doc Researcher
I perform multidisciplinary research aiming at providing the scientific knowledge needed for understanding fundamental ecological and evolutionary processes that control the origins and maintenance of biological diversity. To achieve this understanding, I believe is essential integrative approaches and collaboration across different researchers and institutions. From a more applied perspective, I am also interested in quantify and predict biodiversity responses to global change to then apply that knowledge to the management of populations, communities and ecosystems. Thus, my research interests cover a broad range of topics in the areas of evolutionary biology, ecology and conservation biology. I use a wide variety of tools (field observations and experiments, laboratory work, remote sensing and modelling) and several model organisms (but mainly reptiles, amphibians and birds).
My current research project focuses on (i) how environmental changes affect parasitism rate in lizard populations, (ii) which are their subsequent effects on population dynamics, and (iii) which are the possible implications for ecosystems functioning and biodiversity conservation.