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Fernando Manuel dos Santos Tavares

Fernando Manuel dos Santos Tavares

Associate Professor

15 Theses
Marta Sofia Morais Vales (2014) Epidemiological evaluation of mastitis caused by Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus uberis in four dairy herds in north of Portugal. Master in Veterinary Medicine. University of Porto. Supervisors: João Niza Ribeiro (ICBAS) and Fernando Tavares
Afonso Almeida Porfírio (2013) Characterization of virulence and antibiotic resistance genetic markers in Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus uberis causing bovine mastitis. Master Degree in Veterinary Medicine. University of Porto. Supervisors: João Niza Ribeiro (ICBAS, UP), Fernando Tavares, and Helena Larisma Madeira (Segalab)
Joana Patrícia do Jardim Gonçalves Lima (2013) Disclosing the genetic footprint of bacterial ecotypes from the gut of homeothermic hosts through comparative metagenomics studies. Master in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. University of Porto. Supervisor: Fernando Tavares
Alexandre Miguel Santos Almeida (2012) DNA markers for the detection and infrasubspecific discrimination of prevalent bovine mastitis-causing Streptococcus. Master in Forensic Genetics. University of Porto. Supervisor: Fernando Tavares
Maria João Guimarães Fonseca (2012) Effectiveness of innovative resources to promote biotechnology education at elementary school and high school. Doctoral Program in Teaching and Dissemination of Science. University of Porto. Supervisors: Fernando Tavares and Leonor Lencastre (FPCEUP)
Pedro Miguel da Silva Albuquerque (2012) New approaches for the selection of taxa-specific DNA markers towards an improved detection of phytopathogenic Xanthomas spp. Doctoral Programme in Biology. University of Porto. Supervisors: Fernando Tavares, Marta Vaz Mendes (IBMC-UP)
Maria Manuel Loureiro Azevedo Gomes (2011) Bactérias indicadoras de contaminação fecal em águas subterrâneas e superficiais do concelho de Baião. Master in Biology and Geology for School Teachers. University of Porto. Supervisor: Fernando Tavares
Catarina Lopes dos Santos (2010) Oxidative stress response in free-living and symbiotic frankiae. Molecular and phylogenetic studies
Doutoramento em Biologia
Joana Alves Moscoso (2009) Functional characterization of the bacteriophage-encoded glucosyltransferase GtrV from Shigella flexneri: a genetic approach. Master in Biology. University of Porto. Supervisors: Naresh Verma (School of Biology, Australian National University Canberra) and Fernando Tavares
Luís Daniel Rodrigues de Melo (2009) Detecção e genotipagem de Ensifer meliloti através da sequenciação de loci taxa-específicos. Master in Biology. University of Porto. Supervisor: Fernando Tavares
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