Helena Hespanhol
Post-Doc Researcher
My main research interests are included in the fields of community ecology and biodiversity and conservation in mountain areas, using bryophytes as model organisms, with particular emphasis on ii) analyzing different processes affecting species richness and composition at different scales; and iii) modelling species and community-level responses to environmental changes.
During my PhD I acquired taxonomic and ecological knowledge about bryophyte communities from mountain rock outcrops in Portugal and developed skills in spatial and statistical analyses of ecological data. I then moved on to a Post-Doc, with the aim of developing relevant experience on bryophyte diversity of mountain areas in the Iberian Peninsula, ecological modelling and future changes in biodiversity.
At the moment, my research seeks to address global change issues in mountain areas, particularly the consequences of core drivers of change related with societal challenges and threats such as climate change, land-use change, fire disturbance or biological invasions for biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services.
I actively participate in science dissemination activities for society (general public and schools) to promote the appreciation of biodiversity and the importance of its preservation.