Joana Santana
Post-Doc Researcher
Joana Santana is a contracted researcher at CIBIO/InBIO - Univ. of Porto. She holds a PhD degree in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution (2017) by the Faculty of Sciences of the Univ. of Porto, a MSc degree in Natural Resources Management (2009) in the Agronomy School of the Univ. of Lisbon, and a BSc degree in Biology (2004) in the Faculty of Sciences of the Univ. of Lisbon.
Her main research area is in the field of applied ecology and conservation biology with a focus in the following main research lines: avian ecology, biodiversity conservation, community ecology, ecological modelling, farmland ecology, invasion biology, landscape ecology and macroecology. She has a strong knowledge and experience in Geographic Information Systems using both ArcGIS, and ecological modelling using R software, including generalized additive models (GAM), generalized linear models (GLM), generalized linear mixed models (GLMM), hierarchical modelling of species communities (HMSC), and species distribution modelling (SDM). She has a good knowledge on Portugal and Brazilian bird species identification.
Her research has been mostly dedicated to issues related to community ecology in human managed landscapes, focusing on modelling the consequences of agricultural policy, conservation actions and landscape context on biodiversity. Specifically, she has been studied the community level effects of land use changes, landscape heterogeneity and composition, farming systems specialization, olive farming intensification, and habitat fragmentation on farmland biodiversity.
Currently, she is developing her second postdoc project under the ALIENTRADE - Something in the way they move: how global patterns of wildlife trade influence global invasion success. She aims to provide ecological basis to support decision-making and management options to prevent avian invasions by identifying the key drivers and patterns of invasion success along the invasion pathways and the prospective environmental impacts of invasive species under future scenarios of global environmental change.