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Pedro Beja

Pedro Beja

Associate Director of Operations, Fund Raising and Knowledge Transfer

45 Theses
Miguel Caldeira Pais Selecção e utilização do habitat pela fracção não reprodutora da população de águia de Bonelli no Sul de Portugal
Ricardo Pita Persistence and coexistence of spatially structured populations in heterogeneous environments: the case of Cabrera and water voles in Mediterranean farmland. Doutoramento em Biologia, Universidade de Évora. Supervisors: Pedro Beja, António Mira (Universidade de Évora).
Rui Manuel Cleto Morgado From traditional to super-intensive: biodiversity and ecosystem services of olive plantations and their management implications. Programa Doutoral SUSFOR - Sustainable Forests and Products, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa. Supervisors: Pedro Beja, Francisco Moreira, Francisco Castro Rego (Universidade de Lisboa).
Sasha Vasconcelos Linking agricultural management, host-parasitoid interactions and natural pest control in Mediterranean olive farms: a molecular-based food web approach. Supervisors: Pedro Beja, Mattias Jonsson (Universidade Sueca de Ciências Agrárias, Suécia).
BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto
Virgínia Pimenta Human-carnivore conflicts: risk assessment of wolf depredation on livestock and its management implications. Supervisors: Pedro Beja, Luigi Boitani (Universidade de Roma La Sapienza, Itália).
BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto
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