Raquel Godinho
Principal Researcher
26 Theses
Maria Joana Ferreira da Silva
Hunting pressure and the population genetic patterns and sex-mediated dispersal in the Guinea Baboon in Guinea-Bissau. University of Cardiff. Supervisor: Michael Bruford (University of Cardiff). Co-supervisors: Raquel Godinho, Catarina Casanova (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)
José Miguel Soares Cavadas
Population structure and gene flow in desert environments: an application of molecular tools to isolated populations of crocodiles and monitor lizards in the mountains of Mauritania. Supervisors: José Carlos Brito, Raquel Godinho
Master in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. University of Porto
Paula Liliana Giesta
Effect of DNA concentration on error rates of microsatellite genotyping in wolf: contribution for works with non-invasive sampling. Master’s Degree in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. University of Porto. Supervisor: Raquel Godinho
Pedro Manuel Soares da Silva
Identification of highly differentiated molecular markers for the efficient detection of wolf-dog hybrids. Master’s Degree in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. University of Porto. Supervisor: Raquel Godinho
Maria Joana Ferreira da Silva
Genetic analysis of two Guinea baboon populations based on mitochondrial DNA and nuclear markers using non-invasive techniques. University of Porto. Supervisor: Raquel Godinho. Co-supervisor: Catarina Casanova (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)
André Eurico Viola de Moura
Phylogeography of the marbled newt (Triturus marmoratus spp.) and analysis of recombinant haplotypes in the contact zone. University of Porto. Supervisor: Nuno Ferrand; Co-supervisor: Raquel Godinho
Margarida Ladeira Felício Gonçalves
Evolutionary history of the Roan antelope: phylogeography, population genomics and admixture. Comparative phylogeography of Hippotragus genus, conservation and management genetics.BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto. Supervisors: Raquel Godinho
Carly Danielle Gregorich
Comparative phylogeography of Southern African ungulates across Sub-Saharan Africa. MSc program in Zoology, University of Johannesburg. Supervisor: Bettine van Vuuren (University of Johannesburg). Co-supervisor: Raquel Godinho, Paulette Bloomer (University of Pretoria)
Carolina Pacheco de Freitas
Genome wide patterns of selection and demographic changes in Eurasian wolves, and their influence on the selection of livestock guarding dog breeds. BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto. Supervisor: Raquel Godinho. Co-supervisor: Astrid Stronen (University of Ljubljana)
Claudia Dias
Impact of dog gene introgression on wolf response to human activities. Master’s Degree in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. University of Porto. Supervisor: Raquel Godinho. Co-supervisor: José Vicente López-Bao (Universidad de Oviedo)