Archaeobotanical study in the valley of river Vouga: the Pre-historic sites of Rôdo and Vau
Charcoal analyses and carpological studies are being carried out in the sites of Rôdo and Vau in the context of a developer-funded project related to the building of a dam in the river Vouga.
The excavations of Rôdo and Vau were carried out by Arqueologia e Património, Lda. ( and were coordinated by Sérgio Gomes. The interventions allowed the uncovering of structures and artifacts of Palaeolithic and Late Prehistoric chronologies which are being studied by a multidisciplinary team.
CIBIO-InBIO is responsible for the archaeobotanical study of soil samples recovered in these sites. The study is still ongoing.
Leonardo da Fonte, Luís Seabra