MEDBIODIV: Linking phenotypes to diversification dynamics to decipher the temporal and spatial scaling of biodiversity evolution in the Mediterranean Basin
This project focuses on the drivers of biodiversification in the Mediterranean Basin. We will extend accumulated knowledge and data, and combine them with innovative analysis tools, to decipher the temporal and spatial frame at which diversification processes operate. We will study a model system of ca. 150 species of amphibians and reptiles, comprising six monophyletic groups. Across this wide array of Mediterranean vertebrates, we will:
1) Investigate the macroecological dynamics of diversification and assess their generality;
2) Provide a mechanistic understanding of these dynamics by linking phenotypic macroevolution to its functional and ecological significance;
3) Examine how these links scale from individuals, through populations, and across species.
This way we will provide new insights on the capacity of organisms to respond to environmental change, and tools for determining the organismal, temporal and spatial scale at which conservation measures should be implemented.
Anthony Herrel (MNHN/CNRS), Olivier Lourdais (CEBC/CNRS)