Protecting the western chimpanzee and primates species from illegal logging and bushmeat hunting in Guinea-Bissau
The western chimpanzee and other emblematic primates are disappearing from Guinea-Bissau due to deforestation and illegal hunting. Governmental agencies and national primate conservation NGOs are incapable to coordinate actions because updated information on the distribution and conservation status is missing and a method to define and prioritize areas for conservation management is non-existent.
This project aims at: 1) assembling up-to-date information on distribution and conservation status of the western chimpanzee and other globally endangered primates; 2) developing a scientific-based method to select important areas for the conservation management of primates; 3) creating a national collaborative working group dedicated to primate conservation; 4) developing coordinated conservation actions between national stakeholders and produce an updated Action Plan. Chimpanzee populations and other primates will be surveyed and populations’ vulnerability to extinction will be evaluated by a combination of genetic and spatial analytical tools and modelling exercises. Priority areas for the conservation management of primates will be identified. Results will be disseminated to policymakers and law enforcers, and local communities will be engaged in the conservation of primates. Our project aims at positively impacting the long-term conservation of the western chimpanzee in Guinea-Bissau.
To know more about the project, visit the facebook page "Primaction”.