Book: "Ghost Hares - Evolution of Hares in the Iberian Peninsula"

Here you can access the book ‘Lebres Fantasmas - A Evolução das Lebres na Península Ibérica’ (PT and ES versions only)
The book "Ghost hares: evolution of hares in the Iberian Peninsula" summarizes more than a decade of research in hares made in CIBIO and was written in a form accessible to the non-specialist public. It also includes some broad definitions, two educational activities and suggestions for other resources.
The edition of the book was financed by the Foundation for the Science and the Technology (FCT) in the scope of the project "ECOMITO - Unraveling the ecological impact of mitochondrial introgression” (EXPL/AAG-MAA/1082/2013).
The Portuguese version of the book is available here.
The Spanish version of the book is available here.