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03 Nov 2016 - CIBIO-InBIO, Vairão Campus, Portugal

The seminar "Conserving large-carnivores in a crowded Europe”, which will take place on November 3, 2016 in the facilities of CIBIO-InBIO at Vairão will have the presence of ten renowned international researchers, that will share their experience on the four most emblematic large carnivore species occurring in Europe (Wolf, Bear, Eurasian lynx and Wolverine), providing not only an European but also a country based view. This seminar will occur in the framework of the Annual Meeting of the "Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe”, a Specialist Group from UICN/SSC, which will bring to CIBIO-InBIO a total of 30 researchers from 20 different European countries.


The topic of this seminar is highly relevant since the conservation of large carnivores is raising the attention of the scientific community and stakeholders, due to the recent expansion of their populations and frequent conflict with human activities.

The participation in this seminar will be open to the general public and the official language will be English.



O seminário "Conserving large-carnivores in a crowded Europe”, que terá lugar no dia 3 de Novembro de 2016 nas instalações do CIBIO-InBIO no Campus de Vairão contará com a presença de dez investigadores de reconhecido mérito internacional, que irão proferir palestras sobre as quatro espécies de grandes carnívoros que ocorrem no continente Europeu (Lobo, Urso, Lince-euroasiático e Glutão), focando um contexto Europeu ou a situação nos países de onde os oradores são oriundos (e.g. Itália, Suécia, Noruega, Croácia, Grécia, Alemanha, Suíça e Finlândia). Este simpósio será realizado no âmbito da Reunião Anual do "Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe”, um Grupo de Especialistas em Grandes Carnívoros da UICN/SSC, que juntará no CIBIO-InBIO 30 investigadores oriundos de 20 países Europeus.

Este evento reveste-se de grande importância, uma vez que a conservação de grandes carnívoros é um tópico que tem merecido uma atenção crescente por parte da comunidade científica internacional e de gestores de vida selvagem, face à recente expansão populacional destas espécies e ao frequente conflito com as atividades humanas.

A participação neste evento será aberta ao público em geral e as apresentações serão proferidas em Inglês.



10.00-10.25 | Luigi Boitani, University of Rome, Italy

                         Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe: an overview


10.25-10.50 | Jonh Linnell, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Norway
                         Conflicts between large carnivores and humans: from economic losses to political symbols


10.50-11.15 | Guillaume Chapron, Grimsö Wildlife Research Station, Sweden
                         Using modelling to address large carnivore conflicts


11.15-11.30: COFFE BREAK


11.30-11.55 | Francesca Marucco, Centro Grandi Carnivori, Italy
                        Transboundary monitoring: the Wolf Alpine Group


11.55-12.20 | Djuro Huber, University of Zagreb, Croatia
                         Large carnivores & infrastructures: lessons from Balkans


12.20-12.45 | Urs Breitenmoser, IUCN Cat SG / KORA, Switzerland
                         From CR to VU… Situation and perspectives of the Iberian lynx


12.45-14.00: LUNCH


14.00-14.25 | Henrik Andrén, Grimsö Wildlife Research Station, SLU, Sweden
                          Wolverine as a case study: insights from interspecific interactions


14.25-14.50 | Ilka Reinhardt, Lupus Consulting, Germany
                         Wolves as a case study: insights from a recolonization


14.50-15.15 | Urs Breitenmoser, IUCN Cat SG / KORA, Switzerland
                         The Eurasian lynx as a case study for species recovery through reintroduction


15.15-15.40 | Ilpo Kojola, Natural Resources Institute, Finland
                         Wolves in human-modified landscape of Finland





Click here to get to know a bit more about the speakers' profile and reseach.





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