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Aggression and dominance in a social species, the common waxbill
22 Apr 2022 Patrícia Beltrão, BIOPOLIS, CIBIO-InBIO/UP | 14h45 | Online

Aggression and dominance in a social species, the common waxbill

Two stories on adaptive evolution in Ethiopian frogs
20 Apr 2022 Stephane Boissinot, New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates | 11h00

Two stories on adaptive evolution in Ethiopian frogs

Exploring the invasion dynamics and impacts of the invasive Asian common toad in Madagascar
08 Apr 2022 Fulvio Licata, BIOPOLIS, CIBIO-InBIO/UP | 14h45

Exploring the invasion dynamics and impacts of the invasive Asian common toad in Madagascar

Maternal allocation strategies and offspring fitness in the cooperatively breeding sociable weaver: integrating climate, predation and helper effects
01 Apr 2022 Rita Fortuna, BIOPOLIS, CIBIO-InBIO/UP | 14h30

Maternal allocation strategies and offspring fitness in the cooperatively breeding sociable weaver: integrating climate, predation and helper effects

Marine forests under climate change: drivers and responses
25 Mar 2022 Cátia Monteiro, BIOPOLIS/CIBIO–InBIO | 15h30

Marine forests under climate change: drivers and responses

Identification of cultural ecosystem services using social media content
18 Mar 2022 Felipe Alexandre Santos, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil | 15h30

Identification of cultural ecosystem services using social media content

Phenotypic influences on social structure and mate choice
18 Mar 2022 Ana Cristina Gomes, BIOPOLIS, CIBIO-InBIO/UP | 14h45

Phenotypic influences on social structure and mate choice

Microclimate refugia as a dynamic spatiotemporal area in a context of temperature constrain as tested in a threatened grassland bird
11 Mar 2022 Rita Ramos, BIOPOLIS, CIBIO-InBIO/UP, UEA | 14h45

Microclimate refugia as a dynamic spatiotemporal area in a context of temperature constrain as tested in a threatened grassland bird

Trust your guts? The effect of gut section on diet composition and impact of <i>Mus musculus</i> on islands using metabarcoding
11 Feb 2022 Catarina J. Pinho, BIOPOLIS, CIBIO-InBIO/UP | 14h30

Trust your guts? The effect of gut section on diet composition and impact of Mus musculus on islands using metabarcoding

Potential distributions of shark species under global warming projections
11 Feb 2022 A. Márcia Barbosa, Freelance Consultant | 15h30

Potential distributions of shark species under global warming projections

Mechanistic niche modelling for biogeography and conservation
10 Feb 2022 Urtzi Enriquez-Urzelai, Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Biology | 16h00

Mechanistic niche modelling for biogeography and conservation

Ecology of Russell’s Viper (<i>Daboia russelii</i>) in an Indian Rural Community  and Its Implications for Snakebite Risk
04 Feb 2022 Xavier Glaudas, School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa | 15h30

Ecology of Russell’s Viper (Daboia russelii) in an Indian Rural Community and Its Implications for Snakebite Risk

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