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Applied Ecology - APPLECOL

Applied Ecology - APPLECOL

26 Projects
AGRIENV - Effects of agri-environment schemes on biodiversity: evaluation of a long-term landscape experiment in southern Portugal
AGRIENV - Effects of agri-environment schemes on biodiversity: evaluation of a long-term landscape experiment in southern Portugal
PI: Pedro Beja
SABOR LTER - Sabor fragmentation experiment: understanding long-term ecological consequences of infrastructure development and compensatory mitigation
SABOR LTER - Sabor fragmentation experiment: understanding long-term ecological consequences of infrastructure development and compensatory mitigation
PI: Pedro Beja
Genetic assessment of a successfull invasion. Population genetics of the Egyptian mongoose (<em>Herpestes icheneumon</em>) in Portugal
Genetic assessment of a successfull invasion. Population genetics of the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes icheneumon) in Portugal
PI: António Paulo Pereira Mira
PERSIST – The role of matrix permeability for metapopulation PERSISTence in complex agricultural landscapes. The cases of Cabrera (<em>Microtus cabrerae</em>) and Southern water voles (<em>Arvicola sapidus</em>)
PERSIST – The role of matrix permeability for metapopulation PERSISTence in complex agricultural landscapes. The cases of Cabrera (Microtus cabrerae) and Southern water voles (Arvicola sapidus)
PI: António Paulo Pereira Mira
Effects of flooding regime on the spatial variation of bird and bat communities in Amazonian rainforests: implications for the management of protected areas
Effects of flooding regime on the spatial variation of bird and bat communities in Amazonian rainforests: implications for the management of protected areas
PI: Pedro Beja
METAPOP – Spatial structure of amphibian (meta)populations in Mediterranean farmland landscapes: conservation implications
METAPOP – Spatial structure of amphibian (meta)populations in Mediterranean farmland landscapes: conservation implications
PI: Pedro Beja
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