Applied Ecology - APPLECOL
26 Projects

ECOLIVES - Fostering sustainable management in Mediterranean olive farms: pest control services provided by wild species as incentives for biodiversity conservation
PI: José Manuel Herrera Vega

ENVMETAGEN - Capacity Building at InBIO for Research and Innovation Using Environmental Metagenomics
PI: Pedro Beja

FRESHING - Next-generation biomonitoring: freshwater bioassessment and species conservation improved with metagenomics
PI: Ana Filipa Filipe

MateFrag - Impacts of habitat fragmentation on social and mating systems: testing ecological predictions for a monogamous vole through non-invasive genetics
PI: Ricardo Miguel Miguéns Cardoso Cadete Pita

POPCONNECT- combining genetic and fieldbased data to access the effects of roads on landscape functional connectivity and population viability
PI: Sara Maria Lopes dos Santos

Conservation and restoration of Mediterranean temporary ponds in SW Portugal - LIFE Charcos

Ecologically scaled edge responses: patterns, mechanisms and predictive modelling
PI: Luís Reino

NETPERSIST - NETwork analysis of critical connectivity thresholds for metapopulation PERSISTENCE in complex agricultural landscapes
PI: António Paulo Pereira Mira

ParrotNet - European network on invasive parakeets: Understanding invasion dynamics and risks to agriculture and society

CAJU - Cashew in West Africa: socio-economic and environmental challenges of an expanding cash crop
PI: Luís Miguel Fazendeiro Catarino