In a paper recently published by the scientific journal Science, an international team which included CIBIO-InBIO researchers Paulo Célio Alves and José Melo-Ferreira identified areas where different species, which change color during the winter, have a greater potential to adapt under climate change conditions.
The research concluded that in the so-called "polymorphic zones", where some individuals maintain their brown color in winter and coexist with those that change to white, there is greater probability of evolution save species, through a process called evolutionary rescue.
To know more about this topic, please follow the links below:
Para sobreviverem, há animais que terão de mudar a cor do casaco de peles | Público | March 3, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
Identificadas áreas chave para salvar animais das alterações climáticas | Wilder | February 16, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
Identificadas zonas de preservação "essencial" para espécies que mudam de cor | TSF | February 16, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
Identificadas zonas de preservação "essencial" para espécies que mudam de cor | Diário de Notícias | February 16, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
Identificadas zonas de preservação "essencial" para espécies que mudam de cor | O Jogo | February 16, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
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To access the original article, please click here.