Esses Ossos” is a science outreach publication about domestic animals and their ancestor species. The book was produced under Catarina Ginja’s scientific coordination, within the scope of the ARCHAIC project.
The book was mentioned in the book section of the February’s print edition of Time Out Porto; in the blog “De Rerum Natura”, in a book review of Carlos Fiolhais; in a book review of José Eduardo Reis; and received an excellent critic in the newspaper "Expresso" in the cultural chronicle "Tabela periódica" by Jorge Calado. "Esses Ossos" is referred in those critics as “an artistic object which merges science and art” and also as "a masterpiece of good taste and very high level of quality", respectively.
To know more about this topic, please follow the link below:
"É-se Ossos" | In-Libris Tertúlia | May 26, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Venham Esses Ossos!” | Expresso | March 24, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Esses Ossos” | De Rerum Natura | 16 February, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
“ETCETERA – Esses Ossos” | Time Out Porto | February, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
To know more about the ARCHAIC project click here.