In an article published by the prestigious journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, an international team led by CIBIO-InBIO researchers Nuno Monteiro and Mário Cunha discovered, in a seahorse’s close relative (Syngnathus abaster) whose males get pregnant, an amazing reproductive strategy. During pregnancy, males invest less in gestation when they find a more attractive female.
Alluding to Gene Wilder's film, "The Woman in Red", in which a quiet man suddenly becomes obsessed with a beautiful woman and eventually forgets his wife and daughters, CIBIO-InBIO researchers baptized a similar behaviour, now observed in fish, as the "Woman in Red" effect.
To know more about this topic, please follow the links below:
"Vida de peixe. Efeito "A Mulher de Vermelho" enfeitiça machos grávidos" | Diário de Notícias | August 22, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Primo do cavalo-marinho troca a fêmea se conhecer outra mais sexy – mesmo que esteja grávido" | Observador | August 22, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Os peixes que descuram a gestação em nome da paixão" | Wilder | August 22, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Parente dos cavalos-marinhos desinteressa-se da gravidez ao ver fêmea mais atraente" | Lusa | August 22, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Parente dos cavalos-marinhos desinteressa-se da gravidez ao ver fêmea mais atraente" | SIC Notícias | August 22, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Parente dos cavalos-marinhos desinteressa-se da gravidez ao ver fêmea mais atraente" | Sapo 24 | August 22, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Parente dos cavalos-marinhos desinteressa-se da gravidez ao ver fêmea mais atraente - estudo" | TSF | August 22, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Parente dos cavalos-marinhos desinteressa-se da gravidez ao ver fêmea mais atraente" | Rádio Renascença | August 22, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
"Cavalos-marinhos perdem interesse pela gravidez ao verem fêmea mais atraente" | Paraná em Rede | August 23, 2018 (Information available in Portuguese)
"When a Pregnant Pipefish Dad Spots an Alluring Female, Things Get Weird" | The New York Times | August 24, 2018
"L’effet "femme fatale" transforme des poissons en pères indignes" | Sciences et Avenir | September 1, 2018 (Information available in French)
To read the national press release for this study, please click here.
To access the original article, please click here.