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Ana Cláudia Malhado

Ana Cláudia Malhado

International Liaisons, Communication and Outreach Officer - TROPIBIO Project

5 Theses
Evelynne Farias (2022) Adaptive capacity of fishing communities facing the Northeast oil spill. PPGDIBICT Doctoral Programme. Federal University of Alagoas. Supervisor: João Vitor Campos-Silva (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway). Co-supervisors: Ana Cláudia Malhado, Richard Ladle.
Norah Costa Gamarra (2022) The study of fishing from the perspective of the protected Area Assets Framework: from sustainability to generating benefits for social well- PPGDIBICT Doctoral Programme. Federal University of Alagoas. Supervisor: João Vitor Campos-Silva (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway). Co-supervisors: Ana Cláudia Malhado.
Ana Carla Rodrigues Ecosystem services associated with the collaborative management of Pirarucu in the Amazon. PPGDIBICT Doctoral Programme. Federal University of Alagoas. Supervisor: João Vitor Campos-Silva (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway). Co-supervisor: Ana Cláudia Malhado, Richard Ladle.
Carolina Neves Souza Know to protect? The power of social media in the governance of protected areas. PPGDIBICT Doctoral Programme. Federal University of Alagoas. Supervisor: Ana Cláudia Malhado. Co-supervisors: Adriana Rosa Carvalho (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Brazil), Richard Ladle, Ricardo Correia (Helsinki University).
Claudjane Batista Amorim Contamination of mangroves by heavy metals from anthropic activities on the North Coast of the state of Alagoas, Brazil. Início: 2021. PPGDIBICT Master Programme. Federal University of Alagoas. Supervisor: Ana Cláudia Malhado, Co-supervisor: Luisa Dieles Viegas (Federal University of Bahia).
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