Joana Bernardino
Post-Doc Researcher
I am a wildlife biologist with special interests on biodiversity conservation and environmental impact assessment. My primary research interests focus on wildlife interactions with infrastructures (wind farms, power lines, roads and others), including the development of methodological approaches to better assess and mitigate their impacts.
I completed my MSc in Ecology and Environmental Management in 2008 (by University of Lisbon) and my PhD in Biodiversity, Genetic and Evolution in 2021 (by University of Porto), with a thesis intitled "Improving impact monitoring and mitigation of bird collisions with power lines”. Along with my academic work, I have participated in over 60 Environmental Impact Assessments and Monitoring Programmes of renewable energy projects and other human-made infrastructures. I have co-coordinated the project "Wind & Biodiversity - Developing Integrated solutions for managing biodiversity in Wind Farms” (2011-2015), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, and I’m also an invited member of UNEP / EUROBATS Intersessional Working Group on Wind Turbines and Bat Populations (since 2014).
Currently, I am working under the scope of the REN Biodiversity Chair and other projects, which aim to develop scientific research and knowledge transfer activities on biodiversity impacts caused by electricity grids.