Miguel Porto
Post-Doc Researcher
6 Projects

Unraveling the drivers and impacts of invaders in a changing world
PI: Luís Reino

AGRIVOLE – The role of voles in agroecosystems: Linking pest management to biodiversity conservation under environmental change
PI: Joana Paupério

ALIENTRADE: Something in the way they move: how global patterns of wildlife trade influence global invasion success
PI: Luís Reino

BIRDTRADE - All heaven in a rage: international bird trade as a driver of biological invasions in Europe
PI: Luís Reino

FARSYD: FARming Systems as tools to support policies for effective conservation and management of high nature value farmlanDs
PI: Ângela Lomba

PLANTSHIFTS - Fine scale characterization of dispersal kernels to predict range shifts in the Anthropocene (PTDC/BIA-BIC/5223/2014- POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016817)
PI: Cristina Garcia Perez