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Paulo Jorge Mendes Alves

Paulo Jorge Mendes Alves


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External Collaborators
CIBIO-InBIO, Universidade do Porto, Campus de Vairão, Rua Padre Armando Quintas, 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal

Scientific Director of the Floradata Company and researcher at Associação BIOPOLIS CIBIO / INBIO. Graduate in Biology with research in biodiversity and conservation, landscape and vegetation ecology, ecological monitoring, and biological plant invasions. Has a long experience in scientific studies, landscape planning projects and several studies on environmental impact. Recurrently contributes to the taxonomy and chorology of vascular flora for various international projects, including Flora Iberica and Flora Europaea. Does research in floristics, plant taxonomy, biodiversity and conservation, landscape and vegetation ecology, ecological monitoring, and biological plant invasions. In this sense, its a (co-) author of approximately one hundred works published on the form of scientific articles or book chapters. Past work includes the full review of the Porto Botanical Garden, living collection and working on the identification of plant specimens in the PO herbarium, being highly requested to collaborate in the identification and characterization of exotic flora. 

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