Paulo Jorge Mendes Alves
4 Contracts

EDP Sabor - Scientific assessment of impact monitoring and compensation programs of the Hydroelectric Infrastructure of the Baixo Sabor (AHBS) - Phase 2 (2014-2018)
PI: Pedro Beja

PNRVTua – Baseline research for the creation of Parque Nacional Regional do Tua (PNRVT)
PI: Pedro Beja

EDP Tua – Scientific assessment of impact monitoring and compensation programs of the Hydroelectric Infrastructure of Foz Tua (AHFT) - Phase 1 (2010-2015)
PI: Pedro Beja

EDP Sabor – Scientific assessment of impact monitoring and compensation programs of the Hydroelectric Infrastructure of Baixo Sabor (AHBS) - Phase 1 (2009-2013)
PI: Pedro Beja