EDP Sabor – Scientific assessment of impact monitoring and compensation programs of the Hydroelectric Infrastructure of Baixo Sabor (AHBS) - Phase 1 (2009-2013)
The purpose of the project was to provide scientific consultancy for EDP on the biology components (Flora, Fauna and Aquatic Ecosystems) of the Compensation, Minimization and Environmental Monitoring of the Baixo Sabor Hydroelectric Dam(AHBS) project. The main goals were to optimize the cost-benefit of the mitigation/compensation measures and actions implemented, and to ensure their ecological efficiency, during the construction period and the subsequent flooding of the reservoir. The activities also included the CIBIO-InBIO’s contribution to the optimization of the Integrated Environmental Management Plan of the Sabor Valley and surrounding area (Plano de Gestão Ambiental Integrado do Vale do Sabor e Região Circundante - PGAIVSRC), a master management plan for the area for the next 65 years (the expected life span of the AHBS project).