Advanced Community Project for the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER PLUS) INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 programme of HORIZON 2020
The Advanced Community Project for the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER PLUS) belongs to INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 programme of HORIZON 2020 and is built on three main pillars - networking, joint research activities and transnational, remote and virtual access. eLTER PLUS will conduct a performance test of the emerging eLTER RI while challenging, assessing and strengthening its operations. Selected sites and platforms in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal ecosystems will be used to study ecosystem integrity, impacts of climate change and endangered ecosystem services at a pan-European scale. Alongside these exemplary case studies eLTER PLUS will identify and assess innovative observational and analytical methods, elaborate detailed specifications of eLTER RI according to community needs (standard observations, site design), support community building and training, and pilot priority services (IT and other support).
Other members
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Jaana Bäck (University of Helsinki, Finland)
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Jaana Bäck (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Proponent Institution
University of Helsinki, Finland
Funded by
2020 (Duration: 5 years)
Participant Institutions
ICETA-UP (CIBIO-InBIO) +32 partners