Behavioural Ecology - BE
34 Theses
Beatriz Saldanha
Serotonergic mechanisms of dominance and aggression in the common waxbill. Supervisors: Marta Soares, Sandra Trigo.
Master in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. University of Porto
Paulo Silva
O papel da dopamina nos perfis comportamentais do bico de lacre comum (Estrilda astrild). University of Porto. Supervisors: Marta Soares, Sandra Trigo.
Gonçalo Rodrigues
Exotic-Exotic and Exotic-Native interactions during the invasion of Common Waxbills in Iberia . MSc in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. University of Porto. Supervisors: Gonçalo Cardoso, João Honrado
Liliana Silva
An investigation of the physiological costs of social dominance in a colonial, cooperative passerine. Mestrado em Biodiversidade, Genética e Evolução. Supervisor: Rita Covas Co-supervisor: Claire Doutrelant, CNRS and Sophie Lardy, PFIAO-UCT
Rita Fortuna
Do females manipulate the amount of care provided by other individuals via maternal effects? Mestrado em Biodiversidade, Genética e Evolução. Supervisor: Rita Covas Co-supervisor: Claire Doutrelant, CNRS and Matthieu Paquet, University of Edinburgh
André Marques Condeço Ferreira
Benefits and costs of helpers: investigating the underlying mechanisms. Master in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. University of Porto. Supervisor: Rita Covas.
Margaux Rat
The role of dominance in maintaining cooperation in the sociable weaver Philetairus socius. University of Cape Town Supervisor: Rita Covas Co-Supervisors: C. Doutrelant, R. van Dijk and P.G. Ryan
Sofia Santos
The effect of helping presence on maternal allocation in a cooperatively breeding bird. University of Lisbon Supervisor: Rita Covas
Sónia Cristina Cobra Cardoso