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Biodiversity in Agricultural and Forest Ecosystems - AGRODIV

Biodiversity in Agricultural and Forest Ecosystems - AGRODIV

4 Projects
LAFERIA - LAndscape FEatures Reintroduction in Intensive Agricultural land
LAFERIA - LAndscape FEatures Reintroduction in Intensive Agricultural land
PI: Ângela Lomba PI: Francisco Moreira
LIFE SafeLines4Birds – Reducing bird mortality caused by power lines
LIFE SafeLines4Birds – Reducing bird mortality caused by power lines
PI: Francisco Moreira
BIRDS ON THE MOVE: adaptive migratory behaviour in response to global environmental change
BIRDS ON THE MOVE: adaptive migratory behaviour in response to global environmental change
PI: Inês Catry
FARSYD: FARming Systems as tools to support policies for effective conservation and management of high nature value farmlanDs
FARSYD: FARming Systems as tools to support policies for effective conservation and management of high nature value farmlanDs
PI: Ângela Lomba
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