David Gonçalves
Assistant Professor
8 Contracts

Monitoring program of the abundance of quail, ecological characterization of the quail and snipe, evaluation the success of the actions of restocking with quail and gray partridge and implementation of a monitoring program of the hunting season
PI: David Gonçalves

Monitoring of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) populations in the Archipelago of Azores
PI: David Gonçalves

Caracterização ecológica da área da Plataforma Logística de Elvas (REFER): Flora, fauna e habitats
PI: David Gonçalves

Monitorização da avifauna - II. Fase de construção. Ligação Ferroviária ao Porto de Aveiro - Plataforma Multimodal de Cacia, Ramal Ferroviário de Acesso ao Porto de Av
PI: David Gonçalves

Characterization and management of game species in Montalegre Municipal Hunting Region - rabbit, hare, red-legged partridge and roe deer
PI: Paulo Célio Alves

Management of game species in the Archipelago of Azores: rabbit, quail, grey-partridge, woodcock and snipe
PI: David Gonçalves

Study of Eurasian Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) in the islands of Pico and S. Miguel (Azores)
PI: David Gonçalves

Study of Eurasian Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) in Pico island (Azores)
PI: David Gonçalves