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David Gonçalves

David Gonçalves

Assistant Professor

5 Theses
Pedro Andrade (2019) Evolutionary genetics of balanced colour polymorphisms in wall lizards. Supervisors: Miguel Carneiro, David Gonçalves
BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto
Júlio Daniel Santos (2017) Patterns of habitat use by an insular endemic bird, the Azores woodpigeon (Columba palumbus azorica). Supervisors: José Carlos Brito, David Gonçalves
Master in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. University of Porto
Pedro Alexandre de Magalhães e Andrade (2013) Ecomorphology of sedentary and migratory Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla populations in Portuguese continental and island habitats
Mestrado em Ecologia, Ambiente e Território
Ana Luísa Felgueiras de Brito Machado (2005) Influência do Habitat na Distribuição da Galinhola (Scolopax Rusticola) na Ilha de S. Miguel (Açores) Durante a Época de Reprodução
Mestrado em Ecologia Aplicada
Pedro Alexandre de Magalhães e Andrade (2000) Uncovering the genetic basis of bird migration. BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto. Supervisors: Miguel Carneiro, David Gonçalves, Sophie Lumineau
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