David James Alexander Edward Harris
Principal Researcher
23 Projects

MicrobeModel: Modelling the water and fish microbiomes to monitor and predict pathogen outbreaks
PI: Raquel Xavier

BIOPOLIS - Teaming to Upgrade Excellence in Environmental Biology, Ecosystem Research and AgroBiodiversity
PI: Nuno Miguel dos Santos Ferrand de Almeida

AGRIGEN: CIBIO – Meeting the new societal challenges on agriculture, forest, environment and food security
PI: Nuno Miguel dos Santos Ferrand de Almeida

Preserving Armenian biodiversity: Joint Portuguese – Armenian program for training in modern conservation biology
PI: Nuno Miguel dos Santos Ferrand de Almeida

Diversification in the biomechanical and physiological performance of scorpions across biogeographic barriers
PI: Arie van der Meijden

Biogeographic and evolutionary patterns in isolated vertebrates from Mauritania
PI: José Carlos Brito

Gene flow across the Pillars of Hercules: the role of North Africa in the postglacial recolonization of Europe
PI: David James Alexander Edward Harris

Helminths and lizards: Coadaptation, cospeciation and host switching
PI: Miguel A. Carretero

Speciation in Drouetia: evidence of punctuated equilibrium?
PI: António Frias Martins