AGRIGEN: CIBIO – Meeting the new societal challenges on agriculture, forest, environment and food security
The Integrated Programme CIBIO – Meeting the New Societal Challenges on Agriculture, Forest, Environment and Food Security – will be developed by CIBIO-INBIO LA, the R&D leader Unit of the Associated Laboratory LA 50027 – InBIO, between 2015 and 2018. This Integrated Programme will progress through two Research Lines, and two corresponding Projects: Applied Genomics and Applied Ecology.
This structure is based on the strong activity of CIBIO-INBIO LA in the last five years (2010-2015), namely i) a remarkable record of SCI-publications, including the most prestigious international journals, as well as a broad worldwide recognition as measured by the number of citations, ii) a notable experience in developing and transferring technology in the applied biological sciences for both public and private entities, and iii) a very well organized and ambitious Science Dissemination Group.
The Integrated Programme follows the regional Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3) of the Northern region to deliver novel management options for Food and Agri-Environmental systems, particularly the high value-added and eco-supported agriculture, forest and non-wood products, by combining the high scientific and technological skills of CIBIO-INBIO LA and the privileged links to the production, industry and retail sectors. Fundamental questions in Agriculture, Forest, Environment and Food Security meeting the societal challenges of environmental and food security will be addressed in the two Research Lines through the organization of 8 explicit tasks with clear objectives and expected outcomes.
In the first Research Line, Applied Genomics, major questions will be related with the introduction, in Northern Portugal, of genomics as a cutting-edge tool of paramount importance in modern agriculture. It aims to use genomics and bioinformatics tools and technologies to improve (e.g. genomic breeding value; BVG) and conserve local livestock and plant species (e.g., assist germoplasm banks). The health of crops and livestock is a major component of food security. Here too, genomics can provide tests for fast identification and monitoring of the major beneficial and pathogenic microbial and arthropod species that are directly or indirectly involved in food production (e.g., phytopathogens, ticks, bees). As the Northern region of Portugal harbours the only national park and several other nature protected areas, where forest is a large component of the ecosystem, there is a long tradition among the agricultural communities to complement their income with non-wood products from the forest (e.g., game species, mushrooms, nuts, berries). But because forests are very sensitive ecosystems, the correct management of non-wood forest products should apply genomic information of its populations. In summary, the first research line of this project encompasses the three main components of the northern Portuguese agricultural communities – animal and crop production, its health, and the surrounding environment (i.e., forests). In the second Research Line, Applied Ecology, major questions to be addressed will be related with the understanding of the mechanisms driving biodiversity status and trends in Food and Agri-Environmental systems, particularly in the high value-added and eco-supported agriculture, forest and non-wood products. It aims to deliver novel management options for these environments under climate and land-use change scenarios to boost development and efficiency of multiple economic sectors involved in the agri-food production and security.
A vast experience of CIBIO-INBIO LA as demonstrated by the quantity and quality of international publications in the last five years, and by the strong networking with both national and, most importantly, with foreign R&D institutions, will support this Integrated Programme and secure its success. This approach is expected to facilitate the introduction and application of new developments made by CIBIO-INBIO LA researchers in a broader sense, including boosting interests on their commercialization by new and existing companies, and the creation of scientific employment. Of major relevance to this project is: i) the established Next-Generation Sequencing Platform facility awarded to CIBIO-INBIO LA under a given 3.5 million euros FP7 CAPACITIES grant, ii) the established capacity building ERA Chair on Environmental Metagenomics for Research and Innovation (EnvMetaGen; H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014-2); and iii) the three Invited Chairs in Biodiversity assured for the period 2015-2021 supported by both public and private entities. CIBIO-INBIO LA has also a strong focus in the advanced training of human resources and the Integrated Programme will create the necessary conditions for increasing the quality of our PhD and MSc post-graduate programs, with the continuous attraction of young scientists.
Finally, this Integrated Programme will also be supported by a well-organized and ambitious Science Dissemination project. Apart from multiple on-going activities and projects that aim to effectively communicate the science of Biodiversity, CIBIO-INBIO LA has recently demonstrated the excellence of its Science Dissemination activities by i) leading the renovation project of the Casa Andresen, in the Botanical Garden of the University of Porto, and installing the highly successful exhibition "Darwin’s Evolution”; and ii) winning a Ciência Viva project to develop a series of 26 episodes for the main Portuguese TV channel (RTP) about Biodiversity (Life: a journey through Biodiversity).
Código do projeto: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000007
Região de intervenção: NORTE
Data de aprovação: 04-05-2016
Data de início: 01-07-2016
Data de conclusão: 31-10-2019
Custo total elegível: 1 465 635,33 EUR
Apoio financeiro da União Europeia: FEDER – 1 245 790,03 EUR
Fundos próprios: 219 845,3 EUR
Principal Investigator
Miguel Jorge Pinto Carneiro
Position: Principal Researcher
EVOLGEN Pedro Beja
Position: Associate Director of Operations, Fund Raising and Knowledge Transfer
Sandra Maria Basilio Quinteira
Position: Assistant Professor
External Collaborators
Proponent Institution
Funded by
Programa operacional regional do NORTE e FEDER
2016 (Duration: 3 years)