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Fernando Pádua Silva e Lima

Fernando Pádua Silva e Lima

Auxiliary Researcher

6 Theses
Laura Prigge (2023) Diversity and phylogeography of Macroalgae in the Gulf of Guinea. Supervisors: Cátia Monteiro and Fernando Lima.
BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto
Joana Pereira (2022) Understanding the impacts of climate change on coastal biodiversity through the lens of a cold-adapted marine foundation species. Supervisors: Fernando Lima and Cátia Monteiro
BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto
Catarina Moreira (2015) Does thermal microhabitat variability modulate thermal stress responses? A study focusing on the physiology and behavior of Patella vulgata MSc in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution. University of Porto. Supervisors: Fernando Lima, Raquel Brazão Xavier
Rui Seabra Martinho (2015) Analysis of the mechanistic link between micro-climate and macro-biogeographic patterns of intertidal rocky shore organisms. BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto. Supervisors: Madalena Simas Branco, António Emílio Ferrand de Almeida Múrias dos Santos, Fernando Pádua Silva e Lima
Claudia Meneghesso (2000) Upwelling and Biodiversity in a Climate Change context. BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto. Supervisors: Fernando Pádua Lima, Michael Timothy Burrows
BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto
Luís Filipe Ferreira Pereira Macroecological consequences of local adaptation to climate change. Supervisors: Fernando Lima, Rui Seabra & Francisco Arenas
BIODIV Doctoral Programme. University of Porto
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