500 Projects
HybridChange – The potential of hybridization to promote rapid adaptation during climate change
PI: José Melo-Ferreira
Infer_Anth - Inferring missing links in the origin of angiosperms from their ancestralized developmental regulators
LIFEPLAN – A Planetary Inventory of Life, São Tomé (São Tomé and Príncipe)
PI: Patrícia Guedes
LongevitY - Exploring the contribution of sex chromosomes to male/female differences in aging and longevity
MAKO – Movements, behaviour and conservation of South Atlantic shortfin mako sharks in a changing climate
PI: Nuno Queiroz
NeuroSocialnet: Neurobiology of avian social networks: short and long-term effects in a wild avian model
PI: Marta Soares
PI: Sandra Trigo
PlantGenomYX - Identifying the sex-determining genes in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia
PI: Gabriel Marais
SeverusPT - A web-based data product and service for fire severity assessment and prediction in mainland Portugal
PI: João P. Honrado
PI: João Francisco Gonçalves
SINVAQUA - Sistema de apoio ao controlo, monitorização, contenção e erradicação de flora exótica invasora aquática por deteção remota
Sustainable agrarian approaches for agro-steppe species and habitats conservation in Nature 2000
PI: João Paulo Silva