500 Projects

Unraveling the drivers and impacts of invaders in a changing world
PI: Luís Reino

Advanced Community Project for the eLTER Research Infrastructure (eLTER PLUS) INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 programme of HORIZON 2020

Assessment of the Newly Discovered Population of the Globally Endangered Zolio's Lizard in Mauritania
PI: Marisa Naia

Behavioral optimization of camouflage in remote Sahara-Sahel rodent communities
PI: Zbyszek Boratynski

BIOPOLIS - Enhancing the transference of scientific and technological knowledge through a new Centre of Excellence in Environmental Biology, Ecosystems and AgroBiodiversity

CCTBON – Atlantic Ocean Coupled Coastal Temperature and Biodiversity Observation Network
PI: Fernando Pádua Silva e Lima
PI: Rui Seabra

Ecologia dos movimentos das aves estepárias no Sudoeste Europeu
PI: João Paulo Silva

Garbage dumps or primary care clinics?: Cleaning stations as hubs for the maintenance and recovery of microbial diversity on coral reefs